✎ Erin Castro / Traxion Tech

The Taipan Place, Ortigas, Pasig City – Traxion Tech, one of Taipan Place tenants, participated in the building’s implemented fire drill activity on Oct 29, 2023 – Friday.
PH’s fire incidents striked with a total of 3,991 from January 1 to April 2023 having an increased percentage of death toll, including the loss of some fire community fighters during these tragic incidents. Urged by the Bureau of Fire Prevention (BFP), private and public organizations such as businesses and schools shall conduct fire drill exercises annually for emergency preparedness through proper evacuation process, situational awareness, and response.
With the assistance of Taipan Place’ Operation’s Team, Traxion Tech employees, along with all tenants of the building, were re-equipped and guided with safety protocols as an act in accordance with real fire emergency occurrence. During the drill, BFP presented a series of emergency case scenarios to heighten the safety standards and for the participating individuals to gain basic knowledge on the nature and behavior during fire alerts.

The said drill activity was conducted under the leadership of the Bureau of Fire Protection’s (BFP) representative fire officers. This is in compliance with Republic Act 9514, acknowledged as the Fire Code of the Philippines of 2008, which mandates to educate the citizens on safety practices during a fire and or calamity.

The entire community of Traxion Tech was able to gain familiarity of the establishment’s evacuation routes and practices. As this plays a crucial role in the fire safety of a work environment, Traxion team was educated through basic fire responses such as being aware of fire alarms, basic use of fire extinguishers and daily location or office checking for early fire prevention.
Traxion employees enabled proper execution by participating in specific drill activities which tested the urgency of their response and awareness to be used during an actual fire disaster.
Gratitude was also expressed to all unit owners and employees for complete participation and familiarity during a fire emergency.